The Design Review Committee (DRC) for the Desert Ridge Community Association (DRCA) would like to remind and provide our residents with some helpful tips and reminders regarding the design review submission process that will enable the DRC to expedite their review of your submission. The DRC is recommending the following tips and reminders:
1. Please avoid faxing your architectural submittals to the DRC if your submission has any photos or drawings. Photos and drawings are illegible and cannot be clearly viewed from the fax transmission. Please scan and email your submission to [email protected]. Submissions can also be mailed or delivered to the Desert Ridge Community Association Office, located at 5415 E. High Street, Suite 220, Phoenix, AZ 85054. Please review the DRCA Residential Guidelines prior to finalizing and forwarding your submission to the DRC to ensure that you have fulfilled all the submission requirements. As a reminder, the DRC does require 3 sets of copies for each architectural submission.
2. Please consider when you are making plans to paint your home that the original paint colors on your home have faded over time from the sun. The current color on your home may not be the exact color as it appears today that was approved when originally painted. The Dunn Edwards website allows for homeowners to view their approved paint colors for their respective neighborhoods and home. To view the Dunn Edward website go to Please note this link defaults to Parcel 26, but you can select or enter your neighborhood parcel to view your neighborhood or home approved paint color schemes. Please do not hesitate to contact the Desert Ridge Community Association office should you have any questions or need further assistance at 480.551.4553. You can also visit a Dunn Edwards store to view and discuss your approved colors with a Dunn-Edwards Representative. Please remember that you may use any paint manufacturer that you wish, Dunn Edwards has worked with Desert Ridge to provide a location that allows homeowners to view these colors. If a homeowner wishes to submit for a paint color other than the approved Dunn Edwards colors, please include a color swatch for the DRC to review along with the light reflective value (LRV) of the paint color(s).
3. All landscape submittals are required to be accompanied by a drawing, including a plant legend showing both the botanical and common names of the plants and trees that are being submitted for review. Plants and trees may have one botanical name but also may have different common names. This allows for the DRC to accurately determine that the species of plants and trees desired are on the association’s approved plant and tree list and to expedite their approval consideration of your submission in a timely manner.
4. For submissions that require setbacks, please be reminded to clearly show and delineate the setbacks on your plans. Setbacks are typically required for Fireplace/ fire pits, pools, ancillary structures, building additions, trees, BBQs, pergola / gazebos, patio extensions and walkways. The DRC encourages all homeowners to submit as much information as they can with their submittal as the many different neighborhoods may have different requirements for specific items.
Should you have any questions while preparing and completing the architectural request form for the DRC, please contact the Desert Ridge Community Association office at 480-551-4553.