Block Watch grant applications available Jan. 3

2012 BWAB Calendar

Block Watch grant applications will be available Jan. 3

Block Watch  grants are available for up to $10,000. ($1000 if you have been registered less than 6 months).

You can use these grants for crime prevention items such as lighting, signs, Block Watch support, and any other means of improving safety in your community.

Groups and other neighborhood organizations once again are eligible for grants of up to $10,000 to help fund programs that fight crime and improve safety and the quality of life in their areas.

Grant applications will be available beginning Jan. 3, 2012, at

More information, including a video presentation about the 2012 application, can be found on the website.

Applications are due by4 p.m.Feb. 3, 2012.



 Officer Tim Mitten # 5279

Community Action Officer

Phoenix Police Department

Black Mountain Precinct

33355 N. Cave Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ 85331

602-495-5238 desk

[email protected]


“cape locum et fac vestigium”

take a stand and make a mark


Ask CAO Jeffrey Blair

Officer Jeffrey Blair