We will be electing three (3) board members in April 2012
Serving on the Board of Directors is a great way to make an impact in
your community!
Milestones to Remember:
Late-JANUARY 2012
A request for board candidates will be made. Candidate forms will be
included in the January issue of Desert Ridge Lifestyles Magazine and
on desertridgelifestyles.com
Board Candidate forms are due back to the Community Association.
Ballots for election to the Board of Directors are mailed to all
APRIL 19, 2012
Annual Meeting of Members and announcement of election results.
More information will be sent during the approaching months. Stay
tuned to your community
magazine Desert Ridge Lifestyles, www.desertridgelifestyles.com and
upcoming mailings.
If you think you may be interested in serving and would like to speak
with a current
board member, contact [email protected]